Jimmy Egypt & Sons
15 Items
LR Baggs Element Active System Advanced Undersaddle Pickup EAS
LR Baggs Element Active System Advanced Undersaddle Pickup EASLRB-EAS
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OUR PRICE £219.00
LR Baggs Para DI - Acoustic Direct Box & Preamp with 5-band EQ
LR Baggs Para DI - Acoustic Direct Box & Preamp with 5-band EQPARADI
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List Price £289.00
OUR PRICE £279.00
LR Baggs Anthem Acoustic Guitar Undersaddle Pickup and Interior Microphone System
LR Baggs Anthem Acoustic Guitar Undersaddle Pickup and Interior Microphone SystemANTHEM
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List Price £399.00
OUR PRICE £349.00
LR Baggs Anthem SL Undersaddle Pickup and Interior Microphone System
LR Baggs Anthem SL Undersaddle Pickup and Interior Microphone SystemANTHEMSL
In Stock
List Price £299.00
OUR PRICE £269.00
LR Baggs EAS-VTC Active Undersaddle Pickup with Volume and Tone Control
LR Baggs EAS-VTC Active Undersaddle Pickup with Volume and Tone ControlEASVTC
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List Price £249.00
OUR PRICE £239.00
LR Baggs HiFi Acoustic Guitar Bridge Plate Pickup System
LR Baggs HiFi Acoustic Guitar Bridge Plate Pickup SystemHIFI
In Stock
List Price £249.00
OUR PRICE £229.00
LR Baggs HiFi Duet High-Fidelity Pickup and Microphone Mixing System
LR Baggs HiFi Duet High-Fidelity Pickup and Microphone Mixing SystemHIFIDUET
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List Price £459.00
OUR PRICE £449.00
LR Baggs Lyric Acoustic Guitar Microphone
LR Baggs Lyric Acoustic Guitar Microphonelrbaggs_lyric
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List Price £265.00
OUR PRICE £249.00
LR Baggs Lyric Classical Guitar Microphone
LR Baggs Lyric Classical Guitar MicrophoneLYRICCLASSICAL
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List Price £265.00
OUR PRICE £249.00
LR Baggs M1 Active Soundhole Magentic Pickup
LR Baggs M1 Active Soundhole Magentic PickupLRBAGGS-M1
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OUR PRICE £279.00
LR Baggs M80 Acoustic Guitar Soundhole Pickup
LR Baggs M80 Acoustic Guitar Soundhole PickupLRBAGGS-M80
In Stock
List Price £349.00
OUR PRICE £335.00
LR Baggs Nylon String Element Active System Advanced Undersaddle Pickup for Classical Guitar EAS-C
LR Baggs Nylon String Element Active System Advanced Undersaddle Pickup for Classical Guitar EAS-CLRB-EAS-C
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List Price £215.00
OUR PRICE £189.00
LR Baggs Session DI Acoustic Guitar Preamp and DI
LR Baggs Session DI Acoustic Guitar Preamp and DISESSIONDI
In Stock
List Price £344.99
OUR PRICE £309.00
LR Baggs Session VTC Onboard Acoustic Guitar Pickup & Preamp
LR Baggs Session VTC Onboard Acoustic Guitar Pickup & PreampSESSIONVTC
In Stock
List Price £299.00
OUR PRICE £279.00
LR Baggs Venue Acoustic Guitar DI, Floor Box, Preamp and Tuner
LR Baggs Venue Acoustic Guitar DI, Floor Box, Preamp and TunerLRB-VENUEDI
In Stock
List Price £365.00
OUR PRICE £329.00